Tuesday, December 17, 2024

The genealogy F.A.N. club

Updated research on more than one Rainey family in Brunswick, Virginia: Stop the presses

'A "FAN club" in genealogy research refers to a group of Friends, Associates, and Neighbors who help genealogists with research. Using the FAN club principle is a process in which genealogists identify a list of people (family, associates, and neighbors) that lived and associated with a given ancestor. By researching these other people, you may flesh out some new hints for your own research.'
The best thing about studying a family for two years is learning and researching all the surnames, those allied families who married into the main family you are researching. So, when I see names like Rainey, Dugger, Lester, Hubbard, and Smith, I know to slow down and pay close attention because I am probably getting ready to intersect with a person who has some connection back to Henry Morris Sr. of Smoky Ordinary, Brunswick, Virginia. Whenever I see the surnames White and Tudor together, I know I am intersecting with John Morris of Granville, North Carolina who married Phebe Tudor; her mother’s maiden name was Elizabeth White who married John Tudor. Seeing the names White and Rainey together just took the research to a whole new level because that means, the families of White, Morris, Tudor, and Rainey most likely all knew each other.

Thus was the way it went when I saw the names Blumer White and William Rainey Jr. together in a deed in Brunswick, Virginia.

Blumer White is the uncle of Phebe Tudor who married John Morris Sr. of Granville, North Carolina. This is the line that my family YDNA matches.

William Rainey Jr. was the son of William Rainey Sr. and Mary Morris and the grandson of Henry Morris Sr. of Smoky Ordinary. He married Rebecca White, the daughter of Blumer White.

I have now connected Henry Morris Sr. of Smoky Ordinary to John Morris Sr. of Granville, North Carolina.

This connection tells me that John Morris of Granville probably knew, or knew of, Henry Morris of Smoky Ordinary. John may even be a descendant of Henry and what a find that would be!

YDNA tester needed who descends from Henry Morris Sr. of Smoky Ordinary!

Stay tuned! I will provide more information as I continue to research the Rainey, Morris, White, and Tudor families to see what other connections I can find.

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